Who We Are


Expansion of cooperative ownership starts with education. In these turbulent times, the search for solutions and alternatives to the current system is growing. People are demanding something different without the knowledge that better alternatives not only exist, but have been thriving for a long time. In the history of the cooperative culture, no better opportunity has arisen to shift focus to a model designed to build community wealth and give power to the average citizen. Cooperation is that model. Cooperation is in our blood, the backbone of our species that has allowed us to accomplish amazing feats that would’ve only been possible by working together.

We are here to help spread the word, to teach anyone willing to listen about how cooperation can change the world. That is our mission, and we need your help.


Our vision is a world where the corporate values of profit driven, eternal expansion, is replaced with the cooperative values of collective action, solidarity, and democracy. No society can call themselves democratic while the economic foundations of that society are decidedly un-democratic and totalitarian. Workers and consumers everywhere are beholden to the decisions made only by a select few whose loyalties lie with shareholders and banks, and whose motivations are driven by expansion and the extraction of value from the very individuals who stand at the foundation of society.

A better option is out there and already working for millions of people around the world. The cooperative model has no limit to the areas of society it can transform; business, housing, banking, farming, healthcare, education, the list is endless. A world of equality waits, a world of collective wealth, a world where people hold the power to take control of their own lives and have a voice that doesn’t get lost in the wind.

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